Circus Daze

The clown sat in the lion’s cage, in the heat of a sawdust night,
Three acrobats in spangled gowns did find it quite a fright,
The seal boy called, What gives, my friend, what makes you look so sad?
I cannot laugh, the clown replied, It’s going to drive me mad.

The triplets sang a German song, the bearded lady danced,
And roustabouts struck poses bold that kept the girls entranced.
But the clown kept weeping bitter tears, the lion was unhappy,
Oh get this bozo from my cage, he’s making me quite sappy!

Then suddenly a tiger cried, Go forth, my clownish loon,
And take a course in stand-up jokes, they'll make you laugh quite soon!
But the clown just cried and cried and cried, his tears fell to the floor,
And all the circus folk decreed that they'd show him the door.

The Big Top

A comic masterpiece about the circus which performs a delicate balancing act between normality and nonsensicality.


Nonsense Verse


Max Scratchmann

Copyright © Max Scratchmann. All Rights Reserved
